Author: Simon Franz, Munir Karjaghli
Date of first publication: 02.10.2020
Last change: 04.11.2022
Pressure-limited changed to pressure-controlled; flow and pattern set by the userMost Hamilton Medical ventilator models are equipped with both volume-targeted and volume-controlled modes (HAMILTON-C1/T1/MR1 have NO conventional volume controlled ventilation – CMV / SIMV).
(S)CMV+ (APVcmv) and SIMV+ (APVsimv) are volume-targeted modes: The ventilator automatically regulates the inspiratory pressure and flow to maintain a target tidal volume. The operator sets the target VT, the rate, the PEEP and the high pressure alarm limit. The ventilator then compares the measured VT to the target VT and adjusts the PIP to the lowest level possible to achieve the target VT. The rationale behind volume targeting is to avoid the variations in VT that may result from changes in lung compliance while undergoing pressure-controlled ventilation, as these may cause ventilator induced lung injury.
(S)CMV and SIMV are volume-controlled modes with the flow and pattern set by the user.
The table available for download below shows the main attributes of these modes, and lists the corresponding ventilator models for each mode.
Relevant software: HAMILTON-G5/S1 - SW v2.8x and later; HAMILTON-C2/C3/C6 - SW v2.2.x and later / SW v2.0.x and later / SW v1.1.x and later; HAMILTON-C1/T1/MR1 - SW v2.2.x and later